10點!!帶有乙型肝炎可5可以生BB 又可5可以透過性交傳染陴伴侣?

2007-12-13 2:39 am

回答 (3)

2007-12-13 2:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
乙 型 肝 炎 病 毒 (Hepatitis B virus) : 潛 伏 期 由 六 星 期 至 六 個 月 。
常 見 的 傳 染 途 徑 有 :
( 1 ) 帶 菌 的 母 親 傳 給 初 生 嬰 兒 。
( 2 ) 帶 菌 者 的 血 液 或 體 液 ( 如 : 陰 道 分 泌 物 及 大 量 的 涎 液 、 汗 液 或 眼 淚 ) , 都 是 重 要 的 傳 染 媒 介 , 病 毒 能 透 過 皮 膚 上 的 細 小 的 傷 口 或 黏 膜 表 皮 而 進 入 身 體 , 例 如 :
性 接 觸 使 用 未 經 消 毒 的 針 嘴 或 針 灸 , 穿 耳 或 紋 身 用 的 利 器 。 共 用 鬚 刨 、 牙 刷 等 。 但我聽人講過,只要媽媽係懷孕ge過程打一種針就可以令到乙 型 肝 炎 病 毒唔會傳俾bb,最好係去問下醫生,因為都係聽講......
參考: =]*
2007-12-13 9:17 am
Hope you can read English coz i can't type Chinese but i definitely know more

Hepatitis B is a virus that is common in South East Asia eg Hong Kong.
Most cases of hepatitis B are acquired when people are babies, perinatally or early after birth. According to my teacher Professor CL Lai only <2% of Hepatitis B is acquired older than 5 years old.
Those who have 乙型肝炎 are called "Hepatitis B Chronic carriers", which means they have the virus on them, but does not necessarily mean that the virus is active or doing harm. And these people have acquired the virus since they were very young. You would be at increased risk of developing cirrhosis and sorry to say even hepatocellular carcinoma, so you should also have regular checkup with liver enzymes after a certain age. Checkup service is available at various HA (public) hospitals.

Since 1988, all new born infants in HK have been receiving the Hep B Vaccine. They are given when at 0,1,6 months after birth: 95% develop antibodies.
Anyways, since you are you hepatitis B carrier, 2 messages for you.
1) yes you can have a baby
2) tell the Obstetricians(產科doctors) that you have hepatitis B(but they should check it for oyu anyway): they will have a special arrangement for you. Apart from the hepatitis B vaccines which every baby born in HK would receive, they would also give you something else called "HBIg", it means Hepatitis B immunoglobulin, this provides passive immunity and can raise the protection of your baby from hepatitis B viral infection to 95% effective.

可5可以透過性交傳染陴伴侣: the answer is Yes, but didn't i just mention that <2% acquire the virus after they grow up? True. What i mean is that you can get the virus through 性交, but your partner will only get acute hepatitis B and after recovery, they would not become a Hepatitis B carrier, unlike you. Your partner can decrease the risk of acute hepatitis by taking the Hep B vaccine if he hasn't taken it before.
Understand? ok, let me rearrange the points.
1) You have Chronic慢性 hepatitis
2) Your partner can only get acute急性 hepatitis from you, in which he would recover. He can also get vaccinated to reduce the chance of getting it.

Hope that helps
參考: MBBS year 5 student
2007-12-13 2:48 am
帶有乙型肝炎可5可以生BB 又可5可以透過性交傳染陴伴侣?可以生BB而又不會傳給BB,但接吻和性交或有血液接觸均很大機會傳給另一半,但可先要求伴侶先檢查乙型肝炎坑體,須要時可接受乙肝針!

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