runescape--team !cape!

2007-12-12 8:33 pm
where can buy all team cape
please use chinese and list all place that can buy team cape

回答 (2)

2007-12-12 8:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I hope this one works....

2007-12-12 12:42:51 補充:
在 RuneScape Main Menu 的 Knowledge Base 打 team cape

2007-12-12 15:27:52 補充:
下面果個人錯架,e 唔係Member 都可以買wild team cape 啦

2007-12-15 11:07:46 補充:
No problem ^^
2007-12-12 10:26 pm
if you are a member, u can buy it from npcs in wildy .if not then you couldn't use it
參考: my self

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