
2007-12-12 5:22 pm

回答 (6)

2007-12-12 6:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Glory to the name of Jesus.

Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins.

Jesus Christ is my Savior and Lord. We can know and experience God's love and plan for our lives through the death of Jesus.

All the greatness about Jesus is due to the truth that He is the Son of God

Jesus said, "I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly"

The Holy Spirit came to glorify Christ(John 16:1-15). When one is filled with the Holy Spirit, he is a true disciple of Christ.

Jesus Christ is the only way to God, only way to Heaven.

Jesus Christ is a great teacher.

When I am weak, His strength is upholds me

Christ love is always with us.

2007-12-13 23:02:22 補充:

起初我見反應很好, 很多人作答詳細, 所以我就嘗試給你一些optional簡潔的讚美句子, 但我就沒有想過會得到最佳回答, 真的多謝你, 其實大家都答得很好!

2008-01-08 6:43 pm
Christ 是名詞, 應是 Christ's love
2007-12-14 11:10 pm



2007-12-12 5:50 pm
Hello, Jesus.
I want to talk with you.
I want to talk to Jesus.
Really? Yes.
I believe Jesus is there.
I believe Jesus is in the church.

Jesus is everywhere.
Jesus is in the mountains.
Jesus is in the zoo.
Jesus is in the school.
Jesus is in Taipei.
Jesus is in America.
Jesus is in China.

Jesus, I love you.
I will come to mass.
I will come to mass every Sunday.
Actually, we should go to mass
every day.

In the church, who is the first
The first superman is Jesus.
Jesus is the first superman.
I want to be a superman.

I want to be baptized.
I use the eye of faith.
I believe in Jesus.
I have special eyes.
I can see Jesus because I believe

When they were in the furnace they were praising the all mighty. They
said:"Let the mountains praise the Lord, let trees praise the Lord,
let the lakes praise the Lord." Everything is designed to praise God.

Jesus says, "Come here!
I want you to come here.
I want to invite you to supper."
How wonderful!
The king of kings invites me to

My soul is God's garden. So I must prepare my soul. How do I
prepare my soul? Very simple. I
say to Jesus:" Please clean my

Jesus wanted to change our
attitude to life. He wanted us to
look at things in a ompletely
different way. You might say in a heavenly way. We normally think
that the poor people are
unfortunate, but Jesus wanted us to pile up riches in heaven.

God's ways are not men's ways.
Jesus is giving us very high ideals.
He is continually trying to raise
our folks to a higher plane.
We should keep our feet on the
ground but reach for the stars.

Jesus is praying. He is shining like the sun. His clothes are so white. Sometimes we think that we are
not worth much. We are very
ordinary, but we can remember
that one day we will also shine
like the sun.

In this story Jesus asked us :
"What makes you think that you
are so wonderful? Are you
spotless? Are you a Holy Joe?"
He said:" Take the beam out of
your own eye before you can
complain about the splinter in
your friend's eye."

The chief priests of the elders
decided to have Jesus put to
death. Judas went to them and
told them that he would betray
Jesus. How often do we betray
Jesus by unfaithful to our

How often we follow the crowd?
How often we do things because
that will please others but not
God? Jesus was crucified. The
crowd demanded his death.

Don't worship idols. It's ok to respect statutes but worshiping them is
beyond the pale. This seems to have been a favorite pastime of the
rich and famous in bygone days.

They really stuck to their guns. Nothing could shake them. They were up
to it. The king was hopping mad and ordered them to be bound hand and
foot and thrown into a furnace.

I saw a huge tree and the top
of the tree touched the sky.
It was so large that the whole
world could see it. Wouldn't
we love to be like that?
Everybody admires us. I'm the
top dog. What a tragedy!
Pride ends in a fall.

Sometimes we seem to be
behaving more like animals
than men. Let the dew fall
on him and wander around like
an ox eating grass. This is a
good description of somebody
who has become bestialized.
2007-12-12 5:42 pm
your father is beautiful
2007-12-12 5:34 pm
"O'er every foe victorious,
He on his throne shall rest;
From age to age more glorious
All blessing and all blest.
The tide of time shall never
His covenant remove
His name shall stand for ever,
That name to us is—Love."

The Words- "Blessing, Bless, and Blessed" are throughout the Bible,
and I wanted to know what actually was a blessing; Not mere words,
but what is really going on- concerning a blessing.

I prayed and asked the Lord Jesus, "Show me truly what is a Blessing".

Then the Lord showed we that: "HIS PRESENCE is The Blessing"!

He is All Blessings, and there can be no Blessings apart from His Presence.

His Holy Spirit- when His Presence is with us, gives us all the attributes of His Spirit- including: Peace, Joy, Love, Faith, Confidence, Goodness, Abundance, Wisdom, Understanding, Assurance, Grace, and many more!

We feel His Presence as blessings- All Blessings, and on the other hand, when His Presence is taken away from us, we feel cursed.

All those who obey His Commandments are Blessed (Rev 22:14): means
His Presence is with those who Obey His Commandments (they are teaching us to Love One another).

The Lord tells us in Matthew to Bless and Curse not. This means to Share your Love with others, and do not withhold it from them. For Your sharing of Love is causing Spiritual Presence with them, and the Love in you, is the Lord in you, and thus they are blessed by His Presence, you being a channel of His Blessing.

When you pray for someone, there is no distance between you, and spiritual presence takes place. Your Love is the Lord, thus they feel His presence by conjunction, through your sincere prayers. They are therefore Blessed.

Remember God is Love. Love therefore causes all Blessings, That is-
the Presense of His Love with you.

Where He IS- there is no worry, no anger, no hate, no darkness, no fear, no evil, no doubt, and no unhappiness.

His Presence alone contains all Blessings.

If you want to bless someone, because you Love them, then just pray
that "The Lord's Presence will be with them", for His Presence will bring all the Blessings.

Heaven is Blessed because of HIS PRESENCE.

He told us in Matthew that Blessed are the Meek, Humble, Pure in Heart, and others. This means that HIS PRESENCE is with these.

Without His Presence there is no blessing, but with Him are All Blessings.

When someone sneezes and you say "Bless You", you are really saying
"may the Lord's Presence be with you". His presence brings all healing, and protection from evil spirits, and all peace.

When Someone says "Jesus Loves You", they are really saying-
Jesus wants to Bless you with His Holy Presence.

For Love is Spiritual Union, and Jesus Loving Us, means He desires Eternal Spiritual Oneness with us, so that We may be recipients of All His Wonderful Blessings, that His Presence ALONE brings.

May the Lord's Presence be with you all.

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