
2007-12-12 4:02 pm
請問英文的辭職信點寫, 可否幫我寫一封, 內容如下, 當然有些指定句子.但我想再加入以下的內容.
2)老闆給予我無限的發揮機會. 讓我學到的不單單只是工作上的技巧.


回答 (2)

2007-12-12 5:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Mr..... ,
After serious consideration, I have reached a definite decsion to resign from the company, effective .....(Date).
You will readily understand my decision in view of my personal health problem. I will miss working for the company. My Sixteen years with the company have benn plesant and, until our recent difficulties arose, provided a stimulating challenge. I sincerely appreciate the opportunities & cooperation given to me by the company. I enjoyed working with you, and I regret very much the necessity of leaving.Only the health problem placed on me could have brought me to this decision.
If at any future time a problem should arise, I shall be happy to assist in any way I can.

Respectfully yours.
參考: 書
2007-12-12 5:01 pm
Let's assumt Mr. SMITH is your boss, so you have to change all "Mr. SMITH" in the letter to his real name. You have to read through the whole letter, understand everything and make sure all sentences apply to you. Do not forget to replace the name of the boss and insert the name of the company you are working for. Also insert the date of last day of employment, for example, Friday 28 December, 2007, etc.
Wish you the best of luck and happiness!

Dear Mr. SMITH,

I have spent the past sixteen pleasant years at ______(NAME OF COMPANY)______ where I have not only learned a lot of working skills, but I was given almost unlimited latitude to develop and apply my potentials for the job. All these ambitious projects could not have been achieved without the very generous encouragements and cooperations of my colleagues, and in particular, guidance from yourself, Mr. SMITH.

Since recently, I have been experiencing problems with my health, and I have been struggling to make a decision of terminating my sixteen years of happy association with you and my colleagues. Even though my final verdict is to leave this great workplace in favour of my health, I do this with much regret.

If it is agreeable to you, my last day of employment will be Friday, XX December, 2007. I hope this will give you enough time to make arrangements for my replacement.

I take this opportunity to thank all my colleagues and yourself for the wonderful experience I have had during my employment, and hope that my absence will not hamper with your day-to-day activities.

Yours truly,


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