introduce christmas celebrated in hong kong

2007-12-12 9:16 am
introduce christmas celebrated in hong kong

回答 (1)

2007-12-12 4:46 pm
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The whole city are full of the colour light bulb. There are lots of people who dress like santa claus in the shopping mall to attract visitors. There are lots of christmas decoration in the shops, such as christmas tree, angels, stars...etc. People do not celebrate as it is a Jesus's birthday since Hong Kong is not a main Christian Country. People just celebrate it is a day of holiday or even just a day of santa claus coming. Basically, can talk about Hong Kong celebrate or enjoy this holiday more than any other country because we don't treat it as the the birthday of Jesus anymore.
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-22 23:40:48
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