
2007-12-12 8:34 am



你認為上帝支持哪一方呢? 

回答 (5)

2007-12-26 7:32 pm
2007-12-13 6:04 am
教士的祝福是希望士兵平安歸來,也是為了人民著想(fight against the NAZISM)。God knows...
2007-12-12 8:35 pm
這問題當時都有人問過, 但是忘記了哪位曾說過:『 不是神站在那一方, 而是我們站在神那邊。』
事緣無端端為何會打仗? 什麼原因發起是次的戰爭? 保衛自己的國土? 還是以任何藉口取得他人的地方或霸佔他人的地方?
很多時候我們都要上帝與我們同在, 但卻不醒察自己有否跟隨上帝的教導行事為人, 所以很多人都以為他們所做的事, 都有上帝與他們同在, 這真是有點自欺。好像是人要神怎樣就怎樣, 好像神是替人做事的傀儡, 這樣不是把自己所想像的神代替了聖經所講的真神嗎?
2007-12-12 5:58 pm
2007-12-12 4:18 pm
God is always on the justice side. There is something called "Ethics of War" which leads you to decide if this war is right or wrong. Which side is God on? It depends on if the war purpose is on God's side or not. Is this war for self-defence or for invading or for liberating ordinary victims?
When President Lincoln announced for the abolition of slavery, it led to the Civil War while both the Union and Confederacy were Christians. President Lincoln was confident that his arem will win because they were fighting for the TRUTH.

This German soldier at World War II got confused and didn't know which side God would support because he was lost, he didn't know what his country was fighting for.

2007-12-12 15:43:57 補充:
To Jellybean, just for your information忘記了哪位曾說過 President Lincoln said : 不是神站在那一方, 而是我們站在神那邊。』Because a General came to ask him "Mr President, both us and our enemy are Christians, which side do you think God will bless?"

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