Are you afraid to go to hell?

2007-12-11 10:57 am
Why is everyone hoping to go to heaven instead of hell? Did anyone come back from heaven and tell you it's a nice place to go?

回答 (37)

2007-12-11 11:31 am
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Well, there are alot of people who have had near death experiences, and have gone to either heaven or hell, and have come back to tell of their experiences. There are a few priests all over the world who have actually raised people from the dead, in the name of jesus. And alot of them have been there. The most recent story is that of a priest called Daniel Ekechukwu, who was fatally injured in a car accident in Nigeria, 2001. During a dramatic journey to the hospital, he lost all signs of life and was later pronounced dead by 2 different medical staff in 2 different hospitals. His corpse ended up in the mortuary. But his wife remembered a verse in Sctipture from Hebrews 11: "Women received their dead raised to life again". She heard about a meeting where evangelist Reinhard Bonnke was going to preach, so she ended up bringing her dead husbands body in his coffin. He came to life, and had an incredible story of how he had been to heaven and hell. There is a video of his story, and that is 1 story out of so many others. Heaven and hell is described very accuratly and clearly in the bible. Everyone is hoping to go to heaven because it clearly is a place of eternal paradise, whereas hell is eternal damnation.
2007-12-11 11:03 am
No, I'm not afraid.
I actually don't think there's heaven and hell, mostly because I don't have a religion that tell me that.
I think we will all go to the same place at the end and it doesn't matter if you were good or bad in your lifetime.
2007-12-11 11:03 am
A lot of people have been to heaven and have come back to tell what a euphoric place it is.

Doctors run into that frequently, just no one wants to listen.

I also had a friend that went to hell and came back to tell of that experience and as soon as he got out of the hospital he and his wife joined a church. He did not want to ever go back there.

I am not afraid of hell because I know I will never go there. I claim the name of Jesus. None of us deserve heaven, but we can have it if we accept the substitutionary death of Jesus.

2007-12-11 11:02 am
Since no one came back ever from Heaven or Hell, everyone hopes for the best. But death is the end of life and that's it. So you don't go anywhere after that. But hope is allowed!
2007-12-11 11:03 am
Well, heaven and hell, to me, derive from tales passed down from centuries before. How plausible this is-nobody knows. What my religion (Eckankar) teaches me is that death is just another part of life; when our mission on earth is completed, we die. In our next life we may have a different physical body but we are still soul.

We should'nt be afraid of hell because if we do go there, it's all our faults anyway. So if we believe there is a heaven and hell then we should try our best to behave ourselves.
2007-12-11 11:13 am
Yes, I'm afraid to go to hell. Becasue I know hell is for the people who dont believe in Jesus Christ, and there has a non turned off fire to burn the soul of the people dont believe Him.
2007-12-11 11:10 am
Yes, I would not want to live eternity in hell which is why I try to live my life with the goal of reaching heaven.
2007-12-11 11:05 am
It's the thought of a better place. A pure place where everything we've ever wanted is at our finger tips; this is a fault of man. We always want better things but never want to build it ourselves, we would rather reap the benefits.

The Bible depicts Heaven as the ultimate happiness one could ever experience and depicts Hell as the ultimate wretchedness.

Me personally, I expect to go to Hell. I don't follow religion and according to the Bible, I'm going to Hell because of it.
2007-12-11 11:03 am
People who established major religions in the world are supposed to have superhuman powers like Lord Buddha and Christ. In my religion, the description of heaven is described by the creator of the religion. So, I tend to believe it.
2007-12-11 11:03 am
No i am not i beileve that heaven is what the bible says it is sometimes just having faith is enough, i grew up in a religous home. I knew when i was six that it was true and i still believe for there are miracles in this life that we never see first one being the birth of a newborn, the sun rising........ it all depends on your faith.... as a society most of us have faith in the justice system but we have never actually seen it completly work.... or we all have faith to a point that tommorrow will come. we are not guarentted a new day but most of us believe it will come.............

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