How Do I Tell Him That Were Expecting?

2007-12-11 9:10 am
Okay, So. I thought I was preggers, and decided to take the test I had laying on my shelf. And got a posative for a baby.

Me and my boyfriend are both in school 1/3 towards completing our degrees. He in Civil Engineering, and I in Business.

I am scared that this will ruin everyhing. Its a horrible time for this. Being that we are both heavily involved in school.

I am only 21, and he is only 23.

I know that he does not want babies yet, as I don't either.....We have had the convo on what to do in this situation.....and I don't have it in me to "make it go away"

How Do I Tell Him?

I use Tri-Cyclen.....

回答 (11)

2007-12-11 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
Do it while you two are in a positive conversation/mood already. The kind where you are feeling like you are okay with life and even though you can't control everything, you realize that when you stick together or with those who love you, you can do anything and come out okay. Then brace him by saying something like how you are glad he is such a level-headed, well grounded kind of person because you have been worrying about something, but when you think about the qualities you love most about him, you feel more calm and safe and you know you can do good things together. Then, when he responds with the inevitible, "you know you can tel me anything and I'll be here for you..." Let it rip!
(Hopefully, at least some of this is true about him. Since we out here in cyberspace don't know him...)

My hubby and I were married already when we found out I was prego, but we were no where near wanting to go down that path yet. I was NOT ready. Many colorful words flew out of my mouth the night I peed on that stick. But having my girl is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to us and we wouldn't have it any other way. You can't always plan life's blessings. They make their own schedule.
2007-12-11 9:17 am
try 2 tell him when alone & no interuptions.DONT BE APOLOGETICif u didnt want kids u should have used protection this is NOT the innocent childs fault.maybe u should go through with the pregnancy then give the child 2 ur mother 2 look after & finish school.
2007-12-11 9:16 am
you need to come out and just say it," im pregnant and im this many weeks,(go and get a ultrasound done first to find out) theres no point beating around the bush, he has to find out sooner or later. if he loves you well he will be with you sweetie no matter if your pregnant or not. i dont blame you for not having it in you to have an abortion, i dont have it in me and im pregnant aswell. i love my baby and i wouldnt give him up for the world. good luck. oh and if you tells you to have an abortion tell him to stick it.
2007-12-11 12:40 pm
OK tell him and please tell him in a language he can understand because from what I read here you don't sound as if you are 21 with a business degree
you write just like a teenager will talk maybe 13
anyway I wish you luck & remember it is your body your decission
2007-12-11 9:57 am
You need to tell him, if he loves you he will stay with you if he dosen't then you are definetly better off with out him, and if he wants to get rid of the baby and you don't then keep it, its your body.
2007-12-11 9:39 am
try sitting him down and telling him calmly that you are having a baby and abortion is out of the question and if he gives you any **** simple look him in the eye and say look here hun, we are having a baby so do you want to be a dad or pay child support? it's not his decision whether you have the baby even if you agreed to an abortion before. just like you have the right to abort you also have the right to change your mind provided you change it in time. i was in school when i got pregnant both times. first in high school and then collage. you'll still be able to finish school you'll just have to find a sitter. if you can't aford one there is government assistance for that and you will probably qualify since you are in school. good luck with everything and who knows maybe he to will change his mind after the shock wears off.
2007-12-11 9:31 am
I texted him and told him to call me back and then we he did I had my friend answer and tell him. Haha!! I couldn't do it, I was too upset.
2007-12-11 9:25 am
I think you should tell him and if he love you, he must be a good guy to behavior himself and let him afford you with baby dont be only yourself.
think one point. Dont get rid the baby, baby also have life in it, dont kill him.
at last i will support you
2007-12-11 9:23 am
as I've experienced many times, things don't happen as planned in life. the way i see things is everything happens for a reason. you may not feel that its the right tI'me for you to have a baby but im afraid the choice has now been taken out of your hands and you have a wonderful little surprise package.
If your boyfriend loves you then he will understand that this baby is a part of you and him and why you want to carry on the pregnancy. look into help you can get once baby is born and talk to someone at your school about doing work from home for a wile after you have given birth.
Good Luck and Congratulations!
2007-12-11 9:21 am
You obviously know him more than me, but I'd just simply say that you need to talk. You both knew this was a risk when you became active, so it should be no real shock. Yes, you are both in school, but that's not going to change for a while. However, having a baby will change everything. You can still get a degree, but it may take a bit longer. Either way, you should tell him as soon as possible. Be very open and honest about it. Decide what you you want to stay with him, get married, move in together. Dont be willing to compromise your beliefs about keeping the baby, because as a mother it's your right to decide. Also, if this ruins your relationship, then he is not worth the trouble. At some point down the road, even if this had not happened, something big and important would have come up and you would have needed him. At least this way you can tell if he's going to stick by you. All the advice to you I have is be completely open and honest with him. Tell him that you're afraid too, and you will work through this together. Good Luck!

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