
2007-12-12 7:18 am

回答 (3)

2007-12-12 7:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

化療是指應用藥物治療癌症。 这些特殊的药物可杀灭肿瘤细胞,有时称为细胞毒药物。這些特殊的藥物可殺滅腫瘤細胞,有時稱為細胞毒藥物。 许多化疗药物来源于自然,如:植物,其他是人工合成。許多化療藥物來源於自然,如:植物,其他是人工合成。 目前已超过50种化疗药物,如常用的有:表阿霉素、阿霉素、柔红霉素、丝裂霉素、氟脲嘧啶脱氧核等。目前已超過50種化療藥物,如常用的有:表阿黴素、阿黴素、柔紅黴素、絲裂黴素、氟脲嘧啶脫氧核等。 这些药物经常以不同的强度联合应用。這些藥物經常以不同的強度聯合應用。
2007-12-12 11:00 am
Hope you can read English, cause I don't know how to type Chinese, but my advice may be of some help.

The choice of treatment depends much on Which type of Cancer a patient has.
Those who say that chemotherapy help means that they have little medical knowledge.

For most cancers, the treatment of choice to achieve a cure is surgery, eg lung cancer, breast cancer, colon cancer, cervical cancer, liver cancer(hepatocellular carcinoma), stomach cancer, esophageal cancer etc etc. These are mainly solid organ cancers which metastasize as disease progresses, though it depends very much on the actual type and by that i mean cell type of the cancer. When cancers spread beyond the local confinements eg liver cancer spreading to the lung, there is little chance that it can be cured by surgery since spreading to the lung also signifies that there is a high chance that the cancer has also spread into the blood stream and in time will go everywhere, so there is no point in taking out the primary tumour but leaving behind the rest.

That is why chemotherapy comes into play. There are many chemotherapies available out there and some newer ones are called "targetted therapy" which claim to be more specific for killing cancer cells without affecting normal tissues. The cure rate is not universally 30% as you suggested, it depends on cancer type and individual response.

The mechanism of chemotherapy(化療) is by infusing drugs that will KILL FAST GROWING CELLS: these include cancer cells(because cancer cells are in fact cells that grow too fast and even outgrowing the control of the body), hair buds, cell lining of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why they have the side effects you mentioned "噁,無法進食,脫髮"
Newer drugs aim to target only the cancer cells by identifying specific markers on the cells. Certain new drugs can achieve better control of the cancer with tolerable side effects.

Some cancers use chemotherapy as first line (even better than surgery) eg Leukemias and Lymphomas: these maligancies spread in the blood early on the illness and thus surgery cannot completed cure the disease(because you CAN'T possible remove every part of the body!). eg Glivec(a kind of 化療) is the first line treatment for chronic myeloid leukemia nowadays.

At the end of the day, caring for a patient with cancer can be very stressful, don't put too much on your shoulders, be optimistic and supportive~
Hope this helps
參考: MBBS 5
2007-12-12 9:25 am

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