
2007-12-12 6:15 am

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2007-12-12 6:26 am
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傳統英雄人物,都不喜歡招搖過市、暴露身份,一心只默默為正義而戰,視死如歸;不過《神奇 4俠》( F4)就告訴你他們沒那么老套!這出被譽為美國 Marvel Comics史上 No.1長壽連載漫畫( 44年),就可能因叫「英雄」不似「英雄」,甚至各為私利經常發生鬼打鬼;就係因為他玩得夠另類,所以大家看得更真實、更過癮!據講今次已經係第二次被拍成電影,論卡士,特別找來《蜘蛛俠》的特技班底操刀,動作場面同漫畫感十足,而且音效突出,絕對係必買DVD!

3故事講述天才科學家烈(艾恩古福特飾)獲得姦商富豪韋特讚助,率領航天員好友賓(米高哲基思飾)、助手兼前女友蘇珊(謝茜嘉艾芭飾)及其弟弟尊尼(基思伊雲斯飾),一齊登上太空研究最新 DNA。豈料宇宙飛船受一股含大量輻射宇宙雲所吞噬,令各人 DNA發生劇變,出現異常能力。同時韋特化身邪惡末日博士進行破壞,四人合力與惡勢力對抗,誓要將末日博士鏟除。




不要以為每一套 Marvel Comics都一定打餐飽!接近兩小時的劇情入面,《 F4》除了兩幕較重頭的動作戲(一係天橋上,二係對付末日博士)之外,整出電影都係以劇情為骨幹。較少動作戲都不緊要,最搞笑是,當「 F4」分別發現自己擁有異常力量之後,生理及心理狀況都出現好大變化,喜、怒、哀、樂統統玩齊,勁搞笑!

隱形忽現身 爆笑度:★★★★★

手指點煙仔 爆笑度:★★★★ 1/2
F4四個人中,尊尼扮演霹靂火角色。 他天生頑皮而且好小孩子性格,當知道自己擁有這種異常能力後,嘗試用手指撻火扮打火機。

白鴿欺負石頭人 爆笑度:★★★★ 1/2

橡皮手開門 爆笑度:★★★★  
烈 DNA變異後,全身都變成橡皮一樣,手腳可隨意伸長縮短。其中一幕,講到因為大門反鎖,當大家沒有辦法的時候,烈突然伸出橡皮手,穿越門縫到另一邊開鎖,夠核突!

雙失大姦角 爆笑度:★★★ 1/2
2007-12-12 6:57 am
1) Human Torch / Johnny Storm
Lives his life on the edge; a hotheaded adventurer and risk-taker. Sue Strom's brother.

A human fireball; has the power of flight and can emit fiery plasma bolts of varying intensity.

Johnny Storm has always lived his life on the edge - specializing in fast cars, pretty girls and extreme sports - and has always loved to be the center of attention. Now, with his newfound powers as the Human Torch, Johnny is taking it to a whole new level While his sister Sue tries to keep him cool, Johnny is hot-headed in a whole new way.

2) Mr. Fantastic / Reed Richards

Mathematician and physicist. A humble genius and gifted idealist.

Powers : Has the ability to bend, stretch and expand his body in any imaginable way.

Brilliant mathematician and physicist, Reed Richards has always reached for the stars, Reed holds himself responsible for the accident which transformed the Four, and he wraps himself around his work to reserve their condition.

3) The Thing / Ben Grimm

A wise-cracking ace NASA pilot with a big heart.

Powers : A superhuman, super-strong creature with an irreversible orange-colored rocky exterior.

Ben Grimm's tough exterior helped him escrape the mean streets of New York to meet Reed Richards at college and has remained fiercely loyal ever since. Now, as The Thing, he struggles to come to grips with a world that doesn't accept him for what he has become. Don't let The Thing's rock-like appearance fool you because underneath lies a heart of gold.

4) The Invisible Woman / Sue Storm

Brilliant and beautiful scientist; shy, but assertive.

Powers : Has the ability to make herself disappear and generate force fields.

Beautiful scientist Sue Storm has always felt overlooked in a man's world, particularly in the shadow of her hot-headed brother Johnny Storm and her brilliant boyfriend Reed Richards. As the Invisible Woman, she is the voice of reason among men, shielding them from both enemies and from themselves.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:41:37
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