(明天交)各位知識朋友 , 入黎幫我手 ar !!! ( 數學 F.1 ) (52)

2007-12-12 5:22 am
各位知識朋友 , 入黎幫我手 ar !!!

我有幾條數學問題唔識 , 幫手解答 ar( 數學 F.1 )!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(1)The marked price of a book is $400 at Wai Wai Bookstore and it is sold
at a discount of 15%. The marked price of the book is $420 Shan Shan
Bookstore and it is sold at a discount of 30%.

a)Find the selling price of the book at Wai Wai Bookstore.
b)Find the selling price of the book at Shan Shan Bookstore.
c)Which bookstore offers a lower selling price?

回答 (4)

2007-12-12 5:28 am
✔ 最佳答案


c)Shan Shan Bookstore
2007-12-12 5:36 am


(c)Shan Shan Bookstore offers a lower selling price.

2007-12-11 21:39:57 補充:
(a)The selling price of Wai Wai Bookstore 400x(1-15%) =400x85% =$340(b)The selling price of Shan Shan Bookstore 420x(1-30%) =420x70% =$294
2007-12-12 5:32 am
c)Shan Shan Bookstore

2007-12-11 21:34:17 補充:
a) 400x(1-15%)b)420x(1-30%)
2007-12-12 5:31 am
(c)Shan Shan Bookstore
參考: me!

收錄日期: 2021-04-20 21:00:34
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