runescape - 咩裝?

2007-12-12 4:47 am

1. 圖中果個人wield住ge係咩呢,請跟equipment個位逐樣數...
a. head (頭)
b. neck (頸)
c. body (身)
d. legs (下身)
e. hands (手,optional)
f. cape (斗篷,optional)
P.S. 由於hands同cape好似睇得唔係太清楚,可以選擇唔答,不過知就話我知喔!! 呢兩個可以估出黎不過請註明。

2. (必答題) 俾你會著對咩鞋落去襯番套裝呢?

回答 (5)

2007-12-12 7:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1a:Dragon med helm
1b:Amulet of strength(t)(t=take it in treasure trail,one of a runescape mini game)
1c:Black mystic robe(it drop by some high lvl monsters)
1d:Dragon platelegs
1e:Rune pickaxe and a gloves(I am not sure what gloves it is,sorry)
1f:Nothing(I think you mess the black mystic robe upper part,he don't wield any cape)

2.(必答題) 俾你會著對咩鞋落去襯番套裝呢?

Anwer:I will choose a dragon boot,this boot is in red colour so it can make more beautiful of this man's armor.

P.S.You can fight boot from God War Dugeon if you are lucky.

-----------------End of my anwer--------------------

2007-12-12 11:53:30 補充:
Sorry,in 1f,the anwer is fire cape,this cape you can got it in the fighting cave or fighting pit in the volcone's city
2007-12-16 9:11 pm
let me say say la~

A: dragon med helm( not guess ga)

B: str ammy (t)

C blk mystic body

D: dragon legs(rare)

E:blk mystic gloves

F: i think it is fire cape

I will wear dragon boots 去襯番套裝

add me in runescape:101093kit ( main)
2007-12-15 7:39 am
上面果幾位好似唔係幾岩喎-.-",我識小小咁啦,頭:就係dragon med helm同其他med head有d出入嫁...頸:本人係member,我見過好似係quest入面既野,所以我要做完果個quest之後先有先知囉身:dargon chainbody下身:dargon legs 腳:dargon boots手:只係d係member world 既clothes shop到買既一對手套,四百幾到,free palyers都雀嫁...
參考: 我,fireking766,乃member是也,得閒傾下計=]
2007-12-13 2:01 am
a. dragon med. hel
b strengh amulet??
c dragon??
d dragon????
e i think is wear red gloves
f i can't see, sorry!

2. I will wear fighting boots

2007-12-12 18:02:05 補充:
e, it should be rune pickaxe and wear red gloves
參考: Myself
2007-12-12 4:56 am
e.rune pickingaxe

2007-12-11 20:57:43 補充:
dargon 裝

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