
2007-12-12 2:02 am
web log 博客; 部落格; 網路日誌 (是繼email、BBS、ICQ之後出現的第四種網路交流方式. 通常由簡短、經常更新的帖子構成. 這些帖子按照年份和日期倒序排列, 故稱“網路日誌”

p.s. 將以上呢段野譯做令人容易明白既解釋,唔該晒

回答 (2)

2007-12-12 2:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
web log 博客; 部落格; 網路日誌 (是繼email、BBS、ICQ之後出現的第四種網路交流方式. 通常由簡短、經常更新的帖子構成. 這些帖子按照年份和日期倒序排列, 故稱“網路日誌”
The Bo guest of web log; Blog; Network daily record(is the fourth network exchanges method which appears after the email, BBS, ICQ. Usually by brief, the invitation card usually renewed constitute. These invitation cards pour preface alignment according to age and date, so call "network daily record"
2007-12-12 2:11 am
web log blog; Tribe standard; The network diary (is after email, BBS, ICQ appears fourth network exchange way. Usually by the card constitution which brief, renews frequently. These cards according to the year and the date inverted order arrangement, thus are called “the network diary”

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