
2007-12-12 1:10 am
I never have a bit time to play or relax.
可唔可以話I am working hardly to be relax to teacher?

回答 (4)

2007-12-13 3:33 am
I always can't get the time to play or relax.

I am trying to be not so nervous when I facing to the teachers.
參考: = =唔知岩唔岩.
2007-12-12 1:29 am
I never had a small hour to play to descend perhaps and easily.

I have already compared to scheming to face a teacher ge time to have no Gan surprised and green.
2007-12-12 1:21 am
I never have time to play or relax.

I pretend to be clam when facing the teacher.
參考: me
2007-12-12 1:16 am
I am busy that without any time for play or relax.

I am tring to not afraid with the teacher.

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