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我假設你用緊Frank Wood那本, 1-20課應該講Double entry, book of original entry, trial balance, profit & loss, balance sheet, cash book, petty cash book, journals. 舊版第20課係dept., 但新版唔知有無.
會計其實主要考你計數同識唔識入數, theory亦會考一少部分. 所有account format同balance sheet個樣一定要記住. Balance Sheet同Profit and Loss係會計必出題目, 所以無論如何Balance Sheet同Profit and Loss點都要記熟. 因為四年級上學期範圍較少, 所以可能課課都會有. 我之前四年級上學期及其中一年會考出過一大堆transactions, 叫你做Two/Three column Cash book, 以及/劃journal. 或者比一大堆transaction你, 你要由頭做起, 做到Balance Sheet為止, 但去到會考就好少咁出, 因為係mechanical work.
其實上學期記既野都唔少, 我個人覺得要記purchase、sales、唔同種類sales discount、debit note、credit note解釋, trial balance用途, 折舊於唔同方法下點計, 當然亦要記住唔同transaction要做咩double entry.
2007-12-11 18:35:09 補充:
Petty cash book個樣, 用途, 好處, imprest system都建議你記一記.