F 2 Math questions...

2007-12-11 11:52 pm
want to ask...can anybody give me some math equations or wt...
e.g (A + B)to the power of 2 = A to the power of 2 + 2AB + B to the power of 2
hope you can understand what i'm saying...
thank you very much!!!

回答 (2)

2007-12-19 4:21 am
2007-12-12 1:44 am
(x+a)(x+b)= x^2 + (a=b)x + ab

(ax+b)(cx+d)= acx^2 + (ac+bd)x +bd

2007-12-11 17:46:02 補充:
Sorry 打錯(x a)(x b)= x^2 (a b)x ab 先係

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