
2007-12-11 5:51 pm
I'd like to know what the terms for people from different races are. For example, we call people from Europe, the white people; people from Asia, the yellow people; those from Africa, the black people. What is the other race? I believe there are altogether 4 races. Also, do you know if classifying them by colour is all right or not?

Thank you!

回答 (3)

2007-12-11 6:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I heard that there are 5 terms for people from different races. They are Black, White, Yellow, Red, and Blue. But i am not sure that.
2007-12-21 6:15 pm
Colour stereotypes are not polite, neither can they truly represent the different ethnicities. What is Blue then???
2007-12-11 8:09 pm
The four races are: White, Yellow, Black and Red.
To clssify them by colour? no way. Most people are colour-blind when talk obout this topic..........races.
參考: SELF

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