點樣增加觀察力 ?

2007-12-11 2:47 pm
點樣增加觀察力 ?
我常常係math test 出錯(

好似 個question要我做三樣野
我就睇流左  做左2樣

觀察力好底 and 好大mon'
點增加觀察力 同細心d呀

回答 (2)

2007-12-11 5:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. more right brain exercise
change the way of doing things, e.g. use left hand instead of right hand, try to walk using different ways to school every day, ...
2. more eye exercise
look at objects from small things like leaves to large buildings and try to figure out as much difference and similarities as possible

2007-12-12 11:27:55 補充:
info from a book but forget the name.
2007-12-11 3:57 pm

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