關於美國High School electives的問題

2007-12-11 1:25 pm
我剛剛來左美國兩個月左右,但係因為今個semester (1/2)遲左入學,所以冇得揀electives,咁我下個semester(2/2)可唔可以揀electives來讀,如果可以的話,係唔係跟住要向08/09的semester 1/2 再讀埋落去? thx

其實仲有一個問題係關於free lunch application的 我入左學幾日之後申請左free lunch,check左no income. 咁一個月之後係唔係要再申請多一次同埋要報埋個收入先至得? 因為前幾日食lunch收左我錢,又聽到有d friend話因為上述的原因而引起,想問下到底係唔係真係有咁ge一回事?thx x 10000

回答 (2)

2007-12-11 3:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
美國的High School 要求每個學期都有electives的, 所以即使你沒有得選擇, 他們也會幫你揀一個. 其實也不是完全沒有選擇, 很多時只是比較少選擇, 你只可以從未滿的班揀. 美國高中每一個學生都應有一個跟到你畢業的輔導員, 你應到輔導員詢問詳情.
2007-12-11 2:26 pm
\i just graduate from high school

each student in high school is required to have elective course at each semester such as music, art, etc...
so u dont have to worry. each student in high school have their own counselor . i am sure that u have one. i think your counselor will ask you to pick an elective course at for the next semester at the end of tis semester

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