How can i keep my liver healthy ?????

2007-12-11 3:27 am
At age 10 i got in to major bike accident and i hit the handel bars really hard and i ripped my liver inside. At the hospital doctors told me never drink or smoke, also dont eat spice food. HOw can i keep my lives in good condition ? should i eat alot of oranges, appels, bannans ?/ Should i drink orange juice ?

Im currently 17 years old.

回答 (6)

2007-12-11 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
As someone with a liver problem (albeit older) I was told by my clinic that healthy eating is the best thing, Of course as you say no alcohol or smoking is also a top tip
2007-12-11 12:47 pm
Keeping your liver healthy is no different than keeping the rest of your body healthy. Always remember this: No man has, nor ever will, come up with a more nutritious food than what Mother Nature has already provided for us. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, berries, fish, chicken, etc. Simply put, avoid man made over processed junk... it's been stripped of it's vital nutrition. Even when they add, fortify, refine, or whatever... makes no difference.. it's junk. The reason is, whether you subscribe to creation or natural selection (it makes no difference), natural foods provide what our bodies need. Either we evolved around our food, or our food was created from perfection itself. See what I mean about it making no difference? Just be sure to get the widest possible variety of things and keep it balanced. Nutrition can mean the difference between chronic illness and wellness.
參考: Me. A former depressed person with diabetes who pulled himself out of it with good nutrition, positive thinking, plenty of exercise, and a little help from Above.
2007-12-11 11:40 am
Weighing about four pounds, the liver is the largest gland of the body and the only internal organ that will regenerate itself if part of it is damaged.Up to 25 percent of the liver can be removed, and within a short period of time, it will grow back to it's original shape and size.I think your liver is fine.Drinking and smoking can effect your whloe body.So it's a good idea to stay away from it.
2007-12-11 11:38 am
Having a good lifestyle is very important to keep the liver healthy. No smoke, drink, fatty food. Sleep early.

Besides, supplement may be helpful.

LifePak is a comprehensive nutritional supplementation system, delivering the optimum types and amounts of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, antioxidants and phytonutrients for general health.


Addresses common nutrients deficiencies with highly bioavailable and well-tolerated nutrients in the most appropriate dosages
Powerful DNA protection with 41 antioxidants, including alpha-lipoic acid and catechins that promote normal regeneration of body's cells
Delivers cardiovascular support with natural vitamin E, B-vitamins and a full spectrum of antioxidant phytonutrients
Provides full-spectrum nutritional support for the immune system with vitamins A, C, E, B6, zinc, and a carotenoid blend
Complete bone nutrition with calcium, magnesium, vitamin D and many other bone nutrients
Supports normal blood sugar metabolism and insulin function with chromium, vitamin C & E, alpha-lipoic acid, magnesium and zinc

ReishiMax GLP is manufactured under the exclusive Pharmanex "6S Quality Process". It is an exclusive prepararion of reishi extract standardized to 13.5% polysaccharides and 6% triterpenes. It is scientifically proven to support healthy immune system.


Provides nutritional support for a healthy immune system
Promotes liver protection
Regulates blood glucose level
Supports normal, restful sleep
Enhances overall well-being

Send me email by [email protected] for more detail
2007-12-11 11:33 am
healthy low fat diet . keep your weight under controll exercise regularly don't over use over the counter meds drink plenty of water and don't drink alcohol
2007-12-11 11:32 am
Read "The liver cleansing diet" by Dr. Sandra Cabot, and " The healthy Liver and bowel book" by Dr. Sandra Cabot.
Vitamins for the liver, Milk thistle, Dandelion Root.

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