Is the????

2007-12-10 8:21 am
Liquor store a good place to meet women?

回答 (9)

2007-12-10 8:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are no bad places to meet women, except Saudi Arabia. The best places are determined by your expectations. You want young, nubile women, get a job in a elementary school. The teachers are always young at heart, sometimes even spirit, but a bit strict. Want something off the wall, join a religious commune. Want something off scale, the fast lane, go to an Narcotic Annon meeting. Need a fellow neurotic, work nights at a large hospital. Need something that follows the cultural dictates required for money acquisition, get on a Republican committee. Want great sex, and conversation, date a liberal arts instructor. Women, women, everywhere, just smile, be friendly, be an artist of some kind. Good luck.
2007-12-10 8:27 am
hmmmm....well, i would suppose that would depend on the kinda woman your looking for
2007-12-10 8:24 am
I'd go for the bar... chances are she's already drunk and about to take her shirt off.........
2007-12-10 8:04 pm depends. Sometimes good people go to the liquor store. But, if it's someone who can't live without going there once a day, then you may be in for more than you want.
2007-12-10 8:44 am
Actually, the grocery store is better. :)
參考: That's where I met my hubby.
2007-12-10 8:36 am
If your looking for a drinking partner...
2007-12-10 8:24 am passing, it's kinda weird to just hang around a store.
2007-12-10 9:36 am
alright i get it now! ur bored!!! you are asking the dumbest questions just to seew if people will respond all serious like. amusing you obviously isnt hard.
2007-12-10 8:24 am
I would say nope... cause I hardly go

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