會考A.maths 想攞A, 請問大約要在什麼分數以上呢﹖

2007-12-11 7:55 am
會考A.maths 想攞A, 請問大約要在什麼分數以上呢﹖

回答 (2)

2007-12-13 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Normally if you get around 9x / 110 in the whole paper, you will probably deserve A range. (Although the A range will vary year from year, the critical mark for A range will not vary too much...)

In order to get an A, I suggest you try to get at least 55 marks in section A, and at least 35 marks in section B. Then even though you get one LQ incorrectly, you still have change to get A. (Of course, it is impossible in Maths since the A range of Maths is also 9x!)

Usually if you are careful enough, getting 50 marks in first section will not be very difficult for you. However, to succeed in section B, try to look at some past papers (especially at 03 and 04, since these two years are the transition period between old and new A. Math syllabus) and see the style of the section B questions.
2007-12-11 8:56 am
我都係中5 會考生
要a maths 拎 A 係好難- -以我所知
SECTION A (甲部) 果D 題目一定唔可以錯
SECTION B (乙部) D QUESTIONS 要至少岩3分之1 以上

仲有,,,多做PAST PAPER 啦!!!!!
參考: 自己

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