有無人試過用拍賣網賣給外國人用the royal bank of canada 收款

2007-12-11 7:51 am
信得過嗎? 有無人試過啊??由銀行寄出的滙款通知內容大約如下:
We inform you that the sum of US$ xx that was transfered to you from the buyer into the account details below:
We have finished the procedure of the transfering of the full payment to your bank account, but you will need to ship the items out and send us the tracking number, for your shipment verification so that we can activate your bank account and the full payment of US$ xxx will be transfered to your account from ROYAL BANK

回答 (4)

2007-12-11 5:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
加拿大係真係有這間銀行, 等同香港的大銀行. 但通常銀行只會做匯款, 從買家户口扣錢再電匯到你香港户口, 會收至少百元電匯手續費 . 銀行冇你咁得閒, 仲叫你比郵遞証明才過數比你? 小心封信係假! 吾好盡信! 你可以上網check 吓royal bank 的銀行聯絡資料, 再打去check吓. 或查吓你自己銀行有冇數等入户口. 千萬吾好未收錢就寄貨. 你可以用paypal 以信用卡收錢, 可以即時上網登入户口查數.
參考: 自己
2007-12-12 11:58 am
唔好信, 多數係騙錢嘅, 加拿大皇家銀行唔會同人攪乜嘢寄貨先過錢呢啲咁嘅嘢, 如果妳真係信, 妳真係白痴妹.
我來自加拿大, 好清楚皇家銀行(Royal Bank)唔會同客做啲咁嘅嘢. 信我.
2007-12-12 12:45 am

2007-12-11 2:28 pm
沒試過. 通常國外都是用paypal來付款的. 我建議你email問royal bank of canada.
參考: 我自己

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