how to improve english?

2007-12-11 5:55 am
first,how many ways to improve my english?
係學校作文裡面,成日話reading novel and newspaper,watching tv program and moive,listening eng song.......都可以令英文進步?
give me some example,reading book can improve what skills?

我既grammar rules,reading skill,writing skill,listening skill,speaking skill全部都唔係好叻~最想進步既係grammar同說話,但係GRAMMAR成日都記唔熟,又多又複習,而說話我一直都好想進步,希望可以同D外國人可以chat到~


回答 (6)

2007-12-11 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
How many ways to imrove your English?
有很多的方法都可以,您所提出的方法 (如: reading novels, newpaper, watching tv programmes, movie, listen to eng songs ext) 都可以令英文有所進步。
Why & How?
Reading novels: 您可以從中吸收到作者的英文寫作手法(writing skill)及對文法的定位更加好(grammar skill),增加對vocabularies既認知,擴大自己的詞彙庫。另外,看得愈多novel,您的閱讀能力(reading skill)便可提升,這可是事實啊!
eg: 1). 您並不認識何為past tense(只是作比方),通過novel提供的資料,您會知道作者要描述的是過去的事,這樣您便會明白如何同何時使用past tense。
2). reading novels最有用的地方就是認識新的vocab,例如看一些如harry potter,eragon,chicken soup等等,都能夠認識到更多的vocab。但必須多看,才能夠靈活運用。
newspaper比較正規,較深,學到的vocab都會是formal的一種,於撰寫報告,students' paper時比較有用,但和reading novel所能學到的多沒大差別。

至於watch tv programmes及movie,大多都會是pearl所播放的drama(如supernatural, lost等等)。基於有中文字幕的關係,便會更集中訓練您的聆聽能力(listening skill)。我相信您並不是beginner,要多聽,多看字幕,要是完全不明白內容的話就別看好了(大多都不會)。要試一下,聽比看快。最重要一點,不要麗音,看電影的話,若有中英文的配音,要看英文的(更原汁原味,亦有助提升自己的英語水平)。
listening the eng songs: 聽歌當然能夠令聆聽能力(listening skill)進步,聽的時候最好是一同看lyrics,不明白的詞彙可查字典。有一些歌曲的歌詞是很美,可以多學。另外,eng songs亦有grammar的,如she will be loved, fix you等等。邊聽邊唱可幫助提升說話能力(speaking skill)。因為歌曲您不會聽一次便不聽,有時聽得多了,便自然能夠學到他們說話的方式。
grammar rules是需要自己努力的,這個沒有捷徑(對我而言)。最好不要死背,一定要徹底明白為何會用這個tense,time line可以幫到您哦。 reading skill, writing skill, listening skill, speaking skill都在以上的例子說了。

p.s. 我自己本身都是就讀於band2頭的英中,中五了。英語成績不錯,全班第一,全級都是五甲內(我的學校有太多外國人了...我不夠他們厲害) 會話全級第一呢~ (對,最重要,考試時要多講,但別搶別人的話。慢不要緊,但一定要清楚。)
參考: 自己
2015-11-19 10:23 am
reading book
2007-12-11 8:07 am
試試看這個看英文短片的網站, 有中英對照, 以及英美政治家的演講, 你可以從最簡單的開始, 慢慢地就聽得越來越多了.
2007-12-11 6:37 am
Well, I think you should communicate with your friends in English. Then you can improve your oral very soon. That's true! When I was in P. 3, my oral cannot handle really well, but after I try to chat with my classmates who speak english very well, my oral skills become better!

Well, I think you better buy more Gramma exercise to improve your own gramma. Because all of us MUST practice more! Then we can keep it up. Also, you can read some newspaper, and highlight the special preposition, then try to memorise and make a sentence. Then I think your english with become better! Trust me :)
參考: My experience
2007-12-11 6:06 am
參考: me
2007-12-11 6:06 am
First, I'll start by correcting what you've written.

I find that it's extremely difficult to write english in proper grammar. I always make mistakes.

Someone said that reading English newspaper and story books could really improve one's English writing. As a result, I've spent most of my spare time on reading (). I even listen to the radio and transcribe the scripts, but I've found that I haven ' t made any progress. How can I improve my english writing quickly?

Does anyone have any suggestions, any books to recommend or any other methods? Thank you very much.

Be careful with your tenses. Use either present or past tense for a single sentence. Don't use both tenses in one sentence unless when necessary. Always use the past participle of the verb after has, have as in haven ' t made.

Your writing seems pretty OK to me. I'm sure you've made progress by doing the above things. It's just that you're simply not satisfied and want to get rid of your mistakes altogether. Of course, if you want to write flawless English, you need to polish your grammar. This can be achieved only by doing grammar exercises. You can find zillions of them free on the internet. I'd recommend the following sites:

IMO, the most difficult part of English grammar is the use of prepositions. Even native English speakers make lots of mistakes on this aspect. You may find a book called

The prepositions book / By Esther Dent-young, John Dent-young

I finished the exercises in this book before taking my HKCEE exam. Just memorise the groupings of different verbs with different prepositions by heart, that's it.

Besides grammar, writing a good essay needs frequent pratice. After you've got your grammar right, you may want to improve on your style and tone. Reading newspapers and articles help. Reading helps you to memorize phrases and usages naturally, while doing grammar exercises help to minimize your mistakes. So, if you've already read a lot, you should start doing more exercises and quizzes now. Good luck.
參考: 自己作

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