
2007-12-11 3:53 am
北極熊有趣的資料(用英文答) 十分呀! 急!急!急! 多謝!

回答 (2)

2007-12-11 12:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Fun Facts

* A polar bear's feet are webbed.
* No other four-footed animal can swim as fast as a polar bear.
* Polar bears sometimes slide slopes on their bellies.
* Polar bears can swim up to 50 miles without stopping.
* A fully grown polar bear's worst enemy is the killer whale.
* A polar bear's fur is white to keep itself camouflaged and its babies protected.
* Polar bears are the best hunters of the bear family.
* Polar Bears make a den only if the weather is worse than usual. A pregnant Polar Bear will also make a den.
2007-12-11 6:27 am

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