補intensive 其實有冇用??

2007-12-11 3:24 am
其實補intensive 有冇用??
去到咁遲先補唔怕搞不好自己既concept 嗎??

econ 同pa 應唔應該補intensive??
特別係pa....其實佢d intensive 會教咩???

回答 (2)

2007-12-12 1:45 am
✔ 最佳答案
Intensive courses usually last from January to April 2007 and it depends on which tutorial school you are going to enrol in.

As for the price, there is no definite range. They may be around $400 per month on average.

只補intensive作用唔夠大. Don't expect you'll improve within such a short period of time. Start 補 from September. I advise you to attend REGULAR courses rather than INTENSIVE since it's far too late to start from January. The content of intensive courses is not different from regular except that some of the sections are skipped in the intensive course due to lack of time.

Both intensive and regular會教skills and "tip" questions BUT regular courses have more.

如果you只溫notes...唔溫書, u can still score gd grades in the CE as long as the notes are updated and useful. Textbks may not be helpful in exams.

現代,英皇,遵理都有intensive but generally 現代 is the best.
我都疑惑緊應該報邊個econ intensive
不過我心中人選唔包bruce chan
因為上面form d人都話佢好廢
although 佢自己本身有料

我反而諗緊bruce ng
現代reception d人話佢專教皇仁
而睇返佢d往績:: 60%學生A
我覺得補得過 我都準備報佢intensive

Daniel Yu
都有人撐佢ge 話佢好好
不過聽講佢係for d econ底冇咁好ge學生
佢依家係現代econ排第一 開班最多

in fact 2個都係好
daniel yu 4L intensive is maximum of $510
bruce chan all course $450
bruce ng MAX $510..SOME $485
2007-12-11 9:13 am
因為根本學校既老師唔會識教 最多只會比pp你做
但佢地唔會好解到dpp d囉分位你聽



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