
2007-12-11 3:14 am

回答 (6)

2007-12-11 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.簡單來說 Basically...

2.總括來說 The conclusion is...

3.有何根據 How can you proof that?

4.你有甚麼意見? What do you reckon?

5.真的有那麼好嗎? Is it/he/she really that good?

2007-12-10 19:35:28 補充:

2007-12-12 19:06:13 補充:
Thank you for trusting me :p
參考: Me
2007-12-11 3:27 am
1/.Simply speaking
2/.Generally speaking
3/.Any point to prove this?
4/.Do you have any opinions?
5/.Is it really good? Or just say really?
2007-12-11 3:24 am
1.簡單來說 Simply speaking
2.總括來說 Sums up
3.有何根據 Has what basis
4.你有甚麼意見? What idea do you have?
5.真的有那麼好嗎? Really has that good?
參考: me
2007-12-11 3:23 am
1. Simply to say
2. To conclude what I have just said
3. What's your ground of.....
4. What is your opinion?
5. Is it the fact that it is as good as you just mentioned?
2007-12-11 3:23 am
1. Simple said
2. Sums up said
3. Has what acts according to
4. What opinion do you have?
5. Really has that?
2007-12-11 3:21 am
1) In short
2) To conclude
3) Do you have any evidence
4) What is your opinion
5) Is it really so good
參考: myself

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