
2007-12-11 3:13 am

回答 (2)

2007-12-11 3:25 am
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I think Katy is a good girl, she becomes more gentle for her boy friend, and she don't want her boy friend have bad temper again, so she finally broke his boy friend's guitar, made the ghose leave her boy friend.
I admire Katy's courage, Katy did not leave her boy friend because of the ghost, Katy just found some ways to help and save her boy friend, that's why Katy is my best favourite character.
參考: myself only
2007-12-11 3:19 am
I thought katy is a good girl, she becomes gentler for the left boyfriend, also all did not think she the boyfriend is again hot tempered, therefore she finally beats the left she boyfriend already guitar, makes only cleverly to leave she already the boyfriend.
I appreciate katy to have the courage, katy no because she the boyfriend is encumbered compared to the ghost leaves her, katy the Zhong find means help she the boyfriend, makes her boyfriend to be already out of danger, therefore my most Zhong Yi already role is katy.
參考: 我自己-.-☆

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