
2007-12-11 1:55 am
什麼ram, 512ram, 2gb ram..hard dise什麼什麼的
要電腦行得快 買電腦時需要特別注意那幾樣??

回答 (2)

2007-12-12 9:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
最重要的是cpu,想電腦運行得快,cpu一定要快,其次是ram和底板,現在的ram很便宜,最少要配備2g以上的ram所算合格,底板也重要,要買大牌子的板質數和速度有保證.hdd也要買有8m cache的.火牛也要足火數...

2007-12-13 3:54 am
in order to build a "fast" computer, you have to eliminate
possible bottlenecks in your system.
In general your system will load and process faster
if you equip a cpu with multi cores and high clock speed.
However a outdated hard drive installed may cause significant
performance drop due to the cpu has to wait until data being transmitted to ram.
And it is hard to define a "fast" computer coz we all have different needs.
If you are a serious gamer, you may consider a comp wif multi core cpu, high ram capicity and high end display chips.
but if you don't demand that much and just a net surfer, you don't need to consider much as a 5 yr old comp can do the job right.

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