
2007-12-10 10:21 pm

回答 (3)

2007-12-11 8:24 am
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Shopping is one of popular pastimes. It can be divided into necessary shopping and emotional fulfillment. They can help us to fulfill our life.
People believe there is nothing like it to cheer you up on a rainy day. Maybe that is why so many indoor shopping centres have sprung up in Hong Kong. Of course, many kinds of shops. Among them are boutiques, department stores, book shops and health food stores.
But whether the people like shopping or not, they have to go to a shop, more or less frequently, to buy what they need, because shopping is a necessity. ... Specialized shops.
People like to collects and create very awesome, limited edition, artist designer t-shirts.
People travelled to the shop not only to browse the merchandise, but also just to hang out and exchange information about new underground bands, often for hours and a day
When you are finished, since you always shop at the same store, you already know where the products you need are - but if you don't have a shopping list on me.

Online shopping involves several fundamental activities that apply to both online and offline shopping activities. These activities need to be supported for each type of product and domain. How to do that best is largely domain dependent, but some basic ideas can be defined:
People need to know what they can buy in the store, as far as they don't already know it. Even if they have been in the store before they need to be informed of new products that are for sale. Even if there are no new products to sell, there may be products that should be brought under the users attention because of other reasons e.g. because they are discounted, very popular etc.
Most people like to browse through the store for seeing what they have and whether something attracts their attention.Comparing. Often people do not know exactly which product they want. They may have several options that they want to compare using a Product Comparison or Product Configurator.
When people try a product they want to make sure it is the right product for them. Trying is all about seeing certain aspects of the product. Many shops have shop assistants that help customers to find the right product for them.
Be smart! Shopping is really fullfil our life.
2007-12-10 11:20 pm
Shopping is a daily activity for all walks of life. No matter you are a housewife, an office lady or even a worker, you need to shop for your needs. Making a shopping list before going shopping is important. It is not only efficient and effective to your shopping, but also it prevents you from buying unnecessary items which you never think of taking them into your cart.

For housewives, going into a supermarket is like falling into a trap. Many of the housewives have such experience that they spent more than they expected in the supermarket. So, well planned for your shopping such as prepare a shopping list, how much time will spend in your shopping is necessary. If there are a number of items on sales in the supermarket, keep in mind that unless they are the staple food or necessities, otherwise, skip those on sales items. They are not on your list!! If those items are what you want to buy, check the expiry date. If the goods cannot be consumed before the date, put it down. They are not your choice. It is alwasy ture to think before you leap.

For office ladies, shopping around boutiques are their way to release stress, however, at the same time, they release their money away as well. In order not to be a compulsory shopper, you should make your budget and restrict your shopping time in every shopping. For example, allow yourself to buy within your budget, arrange yourself to have a meeting with somebody in a specific time so that it can restrain your time for shopping.

If everybody go shopping in a controlled manner, we can shop happily and healthily.
2007-12-10 10:40 pm
i went to xxxx shopping. Thats was fun. That place is very big. i pretty like it, i went to there with XXX.we went toXXXto XXX.

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