English - Sentence explanation

2007-12-10 9:11 pm
Dear writing experts, pls explain the following sentence, thanks.

This sentence is : This meeting is a waste of time; we're going round in circles.

What does it mean for "going round in circles" and the whole sentence?

回答 (3)

2007-12-10 10:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
This meeting is a waste of time ; we're going round in circles.
Go round in circles 是 idiom (成語), 意思是:縱使努力過, 卻毫無進展, 沒有成果。
把這idiom簡單譯作 ‘兜圈子’ 或 ‘遊花園’ 是有問題的。大家一見 ‘兜圈子’、‘遊花園’ 便自然想到給別人欺騙或玩弄, 但其實 go round in circles 是指自己經過一番努力, 但兜兜轉轉下都沒進展, 不是指別人帶自己兜圈子或遊花園 (與別人無關)。
This meeting is a waste of time ; we're going round in circles. 全句是:這會議是浪費時間, 我們費盡心思但仍舊原地踏步, 毫無寸進。
(注意:是 ‘遊花園’, 不是 游泳的 ‘游’)
2007-12-11 8:26 am
going round in ydogs
2007-12-11 7:16 am
若你查考牛津字典第六版,go round in circles有以下的解釋:to work hard at sth or discuss sth without making any progress.在原地繞圈子;總是回到同一個問題



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