
2007-12-10 6:10 pm


回答 (4)

2007-12-10 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
腳踏實地= to stand on solid ground
I want you to stand on solid ground,conscience to other people
2007-12-10 10:57 pm

Be practical, do whatever with your conscience.
Careness is unconditional, just do your best to help and don't expect any repay because of that, the biggest reward is the smile with appreciation.
參考: SELF
2007-12-10 7:35 pm
Do things and behaved well and have a clear conscience.

Caring is unconditional. If anyone is in need of your help, don't hesitate. His smile is your greatest repayment.
2007-12-10 6:21 pm
腳踏實地 = Down- toEarth
I hope that you will become a down-to-earth person, and uphold (維護;維持) your personal morals (個人道德).

2007-12-10 10:34:46 補充:
This one is better:I hope that you will become a down-to-earth person, and uphold (維護;維持) your personal morals standard (個人道德). 關懷是不需要條件 - Love and care are unconditional. (沒有附帶條件的)

2007-12-10 10:34:55 補充:
This one is better:I hope that you will become a down-to-earth person, and uphold (維護;維持) your personal moral standard (個人道德). 關懷是不需要條件 - Love and care are unconditional. (沒有附帶條件的)

2007-12-10 12:47:30 補充:
關懷是不需要條件的,看到別人需要幫忙時,不要吝嗇伸出援手,亦不需要求回報,他們的笑容就是你應得的最大回報了. Your care and support for others should be unconditional. When you know someone is in need, please don't hesitate, offer your helping hand and don't expect to be repaid. The smiles on their face will be your biggest reward.
參考: I live and study in the US.

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