
2007-12-10 5:22 am
你都get吾到.byebye 傻仔.

↑麻煩晒你 英文高手!

回答 (3)

2007-12-10 8:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
自信仔 (Mr. Cocky/Arrogant):

我諗左2日.諗下同吾同你講返野好. - During the past two days, I have been thinking about whether I will ever talk to you again.
但系.我覺得同你做朋友好過吾做^^ - But, I'd rather be your friend than to become your enemy.
你份人過份自信.對於任何人泥講.都系你之下. - Your problem is that you're too arrogant (自負的)/cocky (太過自信) and simply think of others as inferiors (地位低於他人者).

經過今次依件事,我覺得你已經無得救. - Judging from this incident, I think that you're simply hopeless (無藥可救, 無希望).

我依幾日已經暗示左比你知,講每一句野前都要諗清楚後果. - During the past few days, I have been giving you hints that you should think about the consequences (後果) before you say something.
你都get吾到.byebye 傻仔. - You just didn't get it. Goodbye. You fool!

我諗你都吾識睇 - And I assume that you are too arrogant and don't understand my message either!

2007-12-10 06:21:54 補充:
我諗你都吾識睇 - And I assume that you are too arrogant and don't understand my writing either!
參考: I live and study in the US.
2007-12-16 11:24 am
'either' should be 'neither' at the end.
2007-12-10 6:20 am
I have thought for 2 days, thinking about whether I should talk to you againl.
But, I think to be a friend of you is better than not to be.
YOU are over confident. Every body seems cannot be better than you.
After this event, I really think you cannot be taught
In these day, I have told you indirectly that you should think about the consequences before saying it out. But you still cannot get it. Bye bye, idiot. I think you really can't understand

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