Econ opportunity cost

2007-12-10 5:16 am
Suppose Manchester United, a top British football club, will
have a friendship match with a football club in Hong Kong next
month. Many fans stay up all night, queuing to buy tickets.

Andy is one of those who queued up for tickets, and he has to
sit for an Economics examination the next day. If the price of
each ticket is $320, calculate the full opportunity cost of getting
the ticket.
另外, cost係咪即係等如opportunity cost丫???

回答 (3)

2007-12-10 5:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Full cost 係佢total 要放棄既野..

Cost here is opportunity cost.
參考: 自已
2007-12-11 12:14 am
The FULL opportunity cost of getting the ticket is the highest valued alternative use of the sum of money Andy used to by the tickets ( ie. n ×$320 ) plus the highest valued alternative use of time Andy queued up for the tickets.
參考: me
2007-12-10 6:24 am
COST = $$
opportunity cost=THE highest value and the option forgone

full opportunity cost =cost +opportunity cost
ok?if not send me e-mail..
參考: my knowledge

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