
2007-12-10 2:50 am

回答 (2)

2007-12-10 5:34 am
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The parties
The list includes also political groups in Hong Kong that participate in elections but are not considered parties.


7.1 People Pile (七一人民批)
April Fifth Action (四五行動, Sì-Wǔ Xíngdòng)
Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood (香港民主民生協進會/民協)
Citizens Party (民權黨)
Civic Act-Up (公民起動)
Civic Party (公民黨)
Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of Hong Kong (DAB, 民主建港聯盟)
Democratic Party (民主黨, Mín Zhǔ Dǎng)
The Frontier (前綫, Qiánxiàn)
League of Social Democrats (社會民主連線)
Liberal Party (自由黨)
New Century Forum (新世紀論壇)
Southern Democratic Alliance(南方民主同盟)


Central and Western Democratic Power
Civil Force
Hong Kong Conservative Party
Justice Union
New Youth Forum
Yuen Long Tin Shui Wai Democratic Alliance


123 Democratic Alliance
Hong Kong Progressive Alliance (香港協進聯盟/港進聯)
Reform Club
Hong Kong Civic Association
Article 45 Concern Group (《基本法》四十五條關注組)

See also

Index of political parties to browse parties by name
List of political parties to browse parties by country
List of political parties by ideology to browse parties by name
membership of internationals to browse parties by membership of internationals
List of political parties in mainland China
List of political parties in the Republic of China
List of political parties

Hong Konger Front (我是香港人連線)


v • d • ePolitical parties in Hong Kong

Association for Democracy and People's Livelihood - Civic Party - Democratic Party - Hong Kong Confederation of Trade Unions - League of Social Democrats - Neighbourhood and Workers Service Centre - The Frontier

The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong - Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions - Federation of Hong Kong and Kowloon Labour Unions - Liberal Party - The Alliance

April Fifth Action

Outside the Legco
7.1 People Pile - Citizens Party - Civic Act-up - New Century Forum - Southern Democratic Alliance

Portal:Politics - List of political parties - Politics of Hong Kong - List of political parties in the People's Republic of China
參考: Wikipedia
2007-12-10 7:57 am

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