20Points~ Question about Display Card... Go7600 and 8600GS

2007-12-10 2:47 am
May I know if there is any ACTUAL different between "Go7600 256MB" and "8600GS 256MB" if I use those cards to run PC Games such as "Battlefiled-1942", "Battlefiled-2142" and "NeedForSpeed-Prostreet" by choose the highest graphics quality (if possible)?
Also, what kind of game those video card can't afford?

Please answer me ASAP (As Soon As Possible)!!!
Thank you so~ very~ much~!!!

Sorry... what I mean by 8600GS is GeForce 8600m GS. Also, choose = choosing. thx

回答 (1)

2007-12-13 4:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
both go 7600 and 8600m gs are display chips used in laptops.
Go 7600 does not support direct X 10 which is a necessarily in future games.
however both BF 2142 and NFS prostreet do not require direct x 10 supported video chipset.
i can say there is actual difference among those video chipsets but the difference may not be significant enough to be seen in human eyes.
and i think both video chipsets cannot handle BF2142 and NFS prostreet at the highest quality setting. laptops don't handle games very well anyway

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 15:46:26
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