Electric Current

2007-12-10 2:36 am
I want to ask what is the difference of the electric current and voltage??
and if a circuit in series and parallel,the electric current and voltage in which kind of circuit will 勁D??
同埋多Dlight bulb,Electric current or voltage will increase??

回答 (1)

2007-12-10 3:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
Current 係講緊個流量 ,而Voltage 係講緊個壓力。

無論如何,o係一個Circuit 入面,Current 係點都一樣的,但係Voltage 就會一路一路減少,直至返到個Power Supply到係 0 。

試將電流及電壓當成係一個河流。 In Series,水的流量是不變的,但壓力一定係一路減少的。但,In Paralell,水的流量分了一半,水流變弱了,但壓力跟In Series一樣。

如果加多D light Bulb,係唔會加大到Voltage,因為呢個係一個Fixed Term而係跟據你個Power Supply的。但係Current 就會低了,因為 V = IR!!!

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