
2007-12-10 2:35 am
題目 : 綠色生活 Green Life Style

回答 (2)

2007-12-10 2:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
There are 10 Easy Ways to Green Your Lifestyle Today!
the six easy ways are:

1. Let there be light: Change your light-bulbs for CFLs (compact fluorescent light bulbs). If every household changed out one bulb, it would cut the carbon emission equivalent of 800,000 cars! Just ONE bulb!

2. No more plastic hassles: Buy a drinking bottle (preferably stainless steel or glass) with its own filter and fill it from the tap and don’t keep buying water in plastic bottles!

3. Take the high road: Choose walking over driving. Carpool as much as possible. Also, drive steadily without so much fast acceleration or hard stopping.

4. All the news that’s fit to print: Newspaper is one of the easiest materials to recycle. Every time you recycle a yard high pile, you save a tree from the chop.

5. My cup runneth over: Use same cup or glass all day. Only run dishwasher when it’s full.

6. A more seductive candlelight: Traditional paraffin-wax candles are petroleum-based. They emit toxins such as acetone, benzene, lead and mercury into the air. Beeswax and soy candles, by contrast, are toxin free. And the pleasant experience will last 50 percent longer than synthetic candles.

If we do any three point, we get the Green Life Style!
2007-12-10 2:47 am
Have you ever dreamed of living in a “green city” where every breath is filled with
the fragrance of flowers and the scent of trees as you sit in an armchair under
a bauhinia on a sunny afternoon with a cup of coffee, listening to birds singing?
Your dreams can come true…
The Aberdeen Kai-fong WASSC “Urban Green” project aims to –
“mobilise residents and other interested members of the community to learn about
sustainability and to build community gardens in their neighbourhood to promote health
and well-being; to raise the community’s image and environmental awareness; to generate
community revenue and social capital; to set a benchmark for other districts in the SAR;
and to provide a substantial legacy for future generations.”

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 22:27:31
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