
2007-12-10 12:16 am
Have 同 has的分別?
this 同 that分別?

回答 (3)

2007-12-10 12:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
has係have的第三人稱(he she it,人名.........)
this是這that 係那

this 係比較近的(所指的)
that 係比較遠的(所指的)
2007-12-10 1:42 am
let me make you a list
Have and has
he has a pen.
she has one dollar
it has a sercet
he doesn't have any money.
she doesn't have a ring
I have a pet
they are having a dinner
we have a ball.

this and that:
this is mine.
this is my chair.
this is my sister.
this is an apple.

that girl is my sister.
that is not fair
that one which is over there,is mine.
參考: I lived in US
2007-12-10 12:28 am
Have: is used with I, We, they
ie. We have....., I have....., they have .....
Has: is used with he, she, it
ie. He has...., She has....., It has....

This: 這個
That: 那個
參考: me

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