passive voice

2007-12-09 11:45 pm
1. when i should use be and been ?

2. We have to finish the project tonight.

3.The secretary had to send the letter.

2 . and 3. change the sentences into passive.


回答 (1)

2007-12-09 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. add [be] after [to], [will], [can], etc.
add [been] after [have]

2. The project has to be finished by us tonight.

3. The letter had to be sent by the secretary.

2007-12-09 15:54:49 補充:
For example:The letter will be written by John tomorrow. (so after [will], [to], etc. use [be])The letter has been written by John. (so after [have] or [has] use [been])Hope you understand.
參考: my knowledge

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