請問 in the playground or on the playground ?

2007-12-09 10:28 pm
in the playground or on the playground ? 用哪個preposition 才是正确的?

回答 (4)

2007-12-09 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is "on the playground" because the playground is not like a room, which is enclosed. It is an open area and you play ON the sand and ON the equipment (e.g. seesaw, slide). You don't play ''in the slide''.

If you say ''in the playground'', however, people will still understand you. If you want to be grammatically correct, then use ''on the playground''.
2007-12-09 10:57 pm
ON the playground (correct)
IN the playground (incorrect)

∴ON the playground will be better
2007-12-09 10:36 pm
Of course in the playground ,,
always we go in the park and then go into the playground ,,
I know what u means that on the playground like just step in the playground , right ?
However , my teacher said that it should be in the playground , no meaning .
Maybe just because the reason I said above .
I think it's quite strange , right ?
Trust me , it must be corret !xd
參考: TEacher
2007-12-09 10:35 pm
on the playground is correct.

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