可唔可以幫我change to 英文丫....(10點)

2007-12-09 8:55 pm
故事背景是世界大戰時, 四兄弟姊妹(Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy)因為躲避戰火而暫居老教授的家,卻在一次遊戲中,給四妹Lucy發現了魔衣櫥,無意中進入了Narnia,還認識了半人半羊的Mr. Tumnus...後來三弟Edmund也進了去,卻不幸碰上the White Witch,還在糖果的誘惑下應承帶自己的兄弟姊妹到這裡,卻不知道自己被利用...最後為了逃避責罵,四人終於一齊進入了神秘國度,但立刻被White Witch追殺, 幸得水獺夫婦相助,並知道了他們原來是預言中拯救Narnia的勇者,並要和Narnia之王Aslan聯手,但Edmund以為自己仍然可依靠女巫,結果出賣了自己的兄長和姊妹,不過他跟住還是成了女巫的人質...

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2007-12-09 9:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
When the story background is the world war, four brothers the sisters (Peter, Susan, Edmund, Lucy) because of avoid the flames of war but temporarily to occupy senior professor the family, actually in a game, had discovered for four younger sisters Lucy the evil spirit wardrobe, accidentally entered Narnia, but also has known half person of half sheep's Mr. Tumnus.. Afterwards three younger brothers Edmund has also entered, actually unfortunately bumps into the White Witch, but also under the candy enticement accepted leads own brothers the sisters to arrive here, actually did not know oneself is used.. Finally in order to evade scolds, four people entered mystical state finally in once, but is pursued immediately by White Witch kills, is fortunate enough to otter husbands and wives to help one another, and had known they originally are in the prediction save Narnia brave, and must collaborate king of Aslan with Narnia, but Edmund thought oneself still might depend upon the sorceress, finally has betrayed own elder brother and the sisters, but he with lived or has become sorceress's hostage...

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