載安娜王妃問題 !! 急 ( 11 點之前要 na )

2007-12-09 8:54 pm
我想要關於載安娜王妃佢一生所做的野 , 人地點解叫佢做人民的王妃
同埋佢點樣承受查爾斯婚後公開承認婚外情 ....


e 到有個中文網

回答 (1)

2007-12-10 8:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Spouse Charles, Prince of Wales (1981 – 1996)
Prince William of Wales
Prince Henry of Wales
Full name
Diana Frances Spencer
Diana, Princess of Wales
HRH The Princess of Wales
Lady Diana Spencer
The Hon Diana Spencer
Royal house House of Windsor
Father Edward, Earl Spencer
Mother Frances Shand Kydd
Born 1 July 1961(1961-07-01)
Park House, Sandringham
Baptised St. Mary Magdalene Church, Sandringham
Died 31 August 1997 (aged 36)
Paris, France
Burial Althorp, Northamptonshire

Charity work
Starting in the mid- to late 1980s, the Princess of Wales became well known for her support of several charity projects. This stemmed naturally from her role as Princess of Wales - she was expected to engage in hospital visitations where she comforted the sick and in so doing, assumed the patronage of various charitable organisations - and from an interest in certain illnesses and health-related matters. Owing to Public Relations efforts in which she agreed to appear as a figurehead, Diana used her influential status to positively assist the campaign against landmines, a cause which won the Nobel Prize[10] in 1997 in tribute, and with helping to decrease discrimination against victims of AIDS.

AIDS awareness
In April 1987, the Princess of Wales was one of the first high-profile celebrities to be photographed touching a person infected with HIV at the 'chain of hope' organization. Her contribution to changing the public opinion of AIDS sufferers was summarised in December 2001 by Bill Clinton at the 'Diana, Princess of Wales Lecture on AIDS':

“ In 1987, when so many still believed that AIDS could be contracted through casual contact, Princess Diana sat on the sickbed of a man with AIDS and held his hand. She showed the world that people with AIDS deserve no isolation, but compassion and kindness. It helped change world's opinion, and gave hope to people with AIDS. ”
—Bill Clinton

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