
2007-12-09 1:09 pm
「一張一馳,文武之道也。」的英文怎樣譯? 謝謝。

回答 (2)

2007-12-11 1:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
I try my best
To know what to grip tightly and what to let go is the lesson to be learned by both a scholar and a general.
grip tightly: 抓緊
let go: 放松
lesson to be learned: 必須學習的事情 / xx之道
scholar: 文人
general: 武將

不是最好, 但至少不是用網譯誤導人
2007-12-09 6:15 pm
As soon as “spreads, civil and military road.」

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