見工的英文自我介紹 唔該晒..感激

2007-12-09 12:22 pm
見工的英文自我介紹 20點!!
請各位幫幫忙^^ ~thx
我要見一份工 要自我介紹 要英文

我今年25歲 f.5畢業
總共有八年工作經驗 文職經驗大約有四年



我識Word, Excel,Power Point, 中英文打字

我好有誠意去想做呢份工 我會好努力學習,希望能給我機會




回答 (1)

2007-12-09 8:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning. First of all, I have to thank you once again for interviewing me, I am indeed flattered to be standing here.

As you may have already read in my resume, I am 25 and am a Form Five graduate. I have previously worked as a XXX(dunno what is that in English...sorry), and I was responsible for keeping accounts, managing clients' orders, and marketing household refrigerators. With many interactions with customers, I have developed strong people management skills, communication and client focus. Throughout my last job, I have always been rated highly on initiative by both my superiors and customers.

I have also worked for an Import and Export Company as a shipping assistant. The experience exposed me to taking care of documents and various kinds of practical knowledge. From that I have also learnt how to achieve enhanced customer satisfaction, which I believe is an important quality that many other people do not possess.

And for my other skills, I am able to use Word, Excel, Power Point. And I can type in both Chinese and English.

I believe I have the required skills and values to contribute to the culture of knowledge and excellence that (the company name) symbolizes. I assure you that I will be an employee who will never stop learning new things and improving himself. I would be really grateful if you can kindly give a chance to show my fit for this post.

2007-12-09 13:03:59 補充:
係"I am 23 and am a F5 graduate"之後加番句"I have totally 8 years of work experience, and have worked as a clerk for about 4 years."
參考: myself....good luck to your interview^^

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