cupric sulphate pentahydrate...

2007-12-09 9:09 am
1. cupric sulphate pentahydrate 係咩黎架? 佢常用於邊方面?
2. cupric sulphate pentahydrate 難唔難買? 有冇可能自己整到?
3. liminol 係咩黎? 我可以響咩 chemical 裡面搵到?
因為我要用呢d chemicals 黎做experiment,

回答 (1)

2007-12-14 2:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
cupric sulphate pentahydrate 係咩黎架?
cupric sulphate pentahydrate = Cu(ii)SO4 . 5H2O.

pesticides,(with low concentration) to treat wounds on aquatic animals.
fungicides,when mixed with lime it is called Bordeaux mixture to control fungus growth

cupric sulphate pentahydrate 難唔難買?
It is the most common type of Copper sulphate. You can buy them in durg stores.

Buy la, easier.

liminol 係咩黎?Do you mean luminol (C8H7O3N3)??
It is a powder, when mix with H2O2, it will create a strong glow, But it needs a catalyst, i think that is why you need Cu(ii) ions to be the catalyst.

我可以響咩 chemical 裡面搵到?
I think you can buy it in chemical stores. There is one in Prince Edward.

According to the latest MSDS information, luminol is considered an irritant and may cause redness and watering of the eyes. Sodium perborate and sodium carbonate (two components of one luminol preparation) are also irritants to mucous membranes. I personally find the preparation by Weber (1966) less irritating to the eyes. This formulation can be found in the textbook, Interpretation of Bloodstain Evidence at Crime Scenes, edited by Stuart James and William Eckert.
I recommend a mist type filter mask, eye goggles and latex gloves. A respirator with mist cartridges may be useful if you plan to spray a lot of luminol.

If you wear contacts, take them out and use glasses! I again, also recommend the luminol preparation by Weber as it uses much less concentrated ingredients and I feel it's not as harmful.
(COPY from )

copper sulfate is toxic and it is an irrtant.

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