29 years old,need to go to college what courses are good for the future?

2007-12-09 7:06 am
working mom

回答 (2)

2007-12-09 7:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
what are you working towards???

This is very key to the educational and transferable credit foundation you should be building ...

off the top of my head, the most commonly used skill would probably be math ...
2007-12-09 7:16 am
Well, it truly depends on what you are interested in. I think business and international trade/tourism could be a possibly. Also, anything to do with settlement/immigration work will be important as we have such a big influx of newcomers needing help with placement, etc. If you are interested in teaching languages, that may be an area to pursue as many school boards are looking to expand their language programs to better enable students to work abroad/conduct business with other countries.

If you leave more details about your interests, perhaps you'll get more specific answers.

Good luck.

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