What are your ideas on self-defense?

2007-12-09 6:49 am

回答 (22)

2007-12-09 6:55 am
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gung foo!
2016-03-16 12:29 am
12 gauge when facing deadly force, trekking poles for others eg fists, also a p250 for self protection in streets
2007-12-09 7:03 am
Collapsible Baton in my truck.

Loaded Rifles in my house.

Need I say more?
2007-12-09 7:00 am
Don't argue when turning away is enough,
Don't hit when arguing is enough,
Don't maim when hitting is enough,
Don't kill when maiming is enough,
In short, self defense is only what you make it, and only if you don't overdo the action of self defense....
Brother Reggie
2007-12-09 6:56 am
It's a necessary skill and a sad indictment on the anomic culture we live in.
2007-12-09 6:54 am
kick em in the nuts
I am all for a throw down
2007-12-09 6:53 am
I'm a Christian and stuff but like if someone came into my house and was trying to beat me to death for whatever reason I'd be smart and fight back. I don't think I'd be able to help myself.

If someone's just attacking me with words or something lame like that I'll just ignore them.
2007-12-09 6:52 am
Depending on the situation as in if someone was to break in my house i would say find what you can and beat the s**t out of them.
2007-12-09 6:52 am
I would spend one minute thinking about my actions before executing another.
It can be classified as an inferential self-defense for me.
2007-12-09 6:52 am
Well I have a carry permit for a hand gun, I have taken combat jujutsu, and police training...I will do what I have to do to protect myself and my family.
2007-12-09 6:52 am
Hand Grenades.

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