essay topic suggestions?

2007-12-09 5:36 am
i have to write a first person narritive about a memory and i was wondering if anyone had and example of a memry that i could use

回答 (4)

2007-12-09 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Why not write about your memory of 9/11 and the attacks on the World Trade Center and The Pentagon? Use your own memories of where you were, what you were doing, how you felt. I was in a restaurant having breakfast. I will never forget.
2007-12-09 6:52 am
It depends on how personal you want to get...if you want to share a certain memory but like others have mentioned, you will need a quiet place to reflect. Doesn't have to be in the house...maybe go to some places you loved to visit when you were little...look at old photographs if that helps.

I think sometimes we just have so many memories we get lost. You will do fine. Good luck!
2007-12-09 6:07 am
Sit down somewhere comfortable. Anywhere comfortable with no noise. Make sure the room is dark. Get a couple of pillows set up for yourself and really set up an ambiance. Slowly, making sure nobody distracts you, just let your mind begin to wander. Let it keep wandering.

When I do this, I begin to think and recap things about my life. I go back to so many different times in my life. Hours pass as I can literally sit and think - it's a beautiful thing, really, that a lot of people overlook.

When you get in touch with your thoughts like this, any memory that really stands out to you should be one you keep in mind. Go then and write, write what you truly feel about it. Throw caution and essay form to the wind and just write exactly what your mind tells you - I promise you you'll get a good grade.

Go on and have fun with this assignment - it's a good one!
2007-12-09 5:54 am
before you go to bed tonight, think of past memories and use what appears in your dream.

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