What could you do on the roof top?

2007-12-09 4:09 am

回答 (32)

2007-12-09 4:12 am
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i just wanna sit up there with 3 of the most important ppl in my life looking at the stars and that would be my 2 girl best friends and my best guy friend who i like
if only

i'd really love to kiss my crush though under the stars ugg i have issues sincei have a bf and all

oh and i would jump into bushes, pool, ...etc.
and dance like i had to pee psh just have fun with it lol
2007-12-09 4:15 am
'Moon' my long-suffering neighbours until someone down there finally got their tomato chucking eye in.
Then I'd probably go down in flames with a bad case of 'red-eye' and a nasty bout of compacted bowel syndrome.


2007-12-09 4:14 am
Fall off, string lights, clean that little window the list goes on and on
2007-12-09 4:13 am
I could get a better view of my neighbors' roof tops!
2007-12-09 4:13 am
I could mount a 50mm cannon and keep those pesky airplanes from flying over so low.
2007-12-09 4:12 am
I would jump off into a pool.
參考: Back in High School.
2007-12-09 4:12 am
Hang on for dear life!!
2007-12-09 4:12 am
2007-12-09 4:11 am
eat a romantic meal under the stars!
2007-12-09 4:23 am
Go down the chimney with old st. nick?

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